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Anime is a style of hand-drawn and computer animation originating in, and commonly associated with, Japan. Anime is a diverse art form with distinctive production methods and techniques that have been adapted over time in response to emergent technologies. It combines graphic art, characterization, cinematography, and other forms of imaginative and individualistic techniques.

The production of anime focuses less on the animation of movement and more on the realism of settings as well as the use of camera effects, including panning, zooming, and angle shots. Being hand-drawn, anime is separated from reality by a crucial gap of fiction that provides an ideal path for escapism that audiences can immerse themselves into with relative ease.Diverse art styles are used and character proportions and features can be quite varied, including characteristically large emotive or realistically sized eyes.

Most people who watch anime considers it as an its own universe and the events happening there. Some just watch them as movies and others consider it as cartoons which seems to be offensive towards otaku(fans of anime). Anime has its own appeal to immerse people into their world with all the characters, settings and soundtrack. In a nutshell, anime is creative and imaginative stories of the author told through the drawings by putting them in their own universe. Anime has no bounds and can go as far as the author's creativeness including every kind of fiction, supernatural stuff and super common activities, si-fi, horror, harem, religions and much more. If one can see it in their thought, it can be shown to the world through anime.

Anime are often stories with the perspective of the character. The most important factor of anime in moving the story forward is the character development which happens either as the world around the changes the character or vice-versa. Anime can trigger people emotionally making them cry, laugh, smile and teaching important life lessons and inspirations. To celebrate anime, otaku all around the world celebrate otaku festival which are like comic-con where fans dress-up as anime character, anime author visits for interview, signing, etc. It's basically way of forming community within otakus.

Anime has started since long started. The first anime was a 3 second clip that is 50 frames long, called "Katsudo Shashin".The first manga goes as early as 646 A.D. Then, after further development anime were televised in late 1950s. Anime started from Japan and now is globally enjoyed. Lots of anime like Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, etc. features/featured in television. Now, anime movies are released in theater and collect huge box-office, making it a successful film-making business.


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