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Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future. Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.Time is often referred to as a fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions.

For people, time is either moment or a measurement. Time is of essence to all. Time is not born or created. It is just something that exist with the existence of anything. Time can also be thought as a tunnel through which the universe has to pass and everything is moving forward with time. While in reality, time forms whenever universe is. Mathematically it is measured in seconds, hours, years. etc. In day to day life, calendar reminds a state of day and clocks measure time. They are used since humans track down time to pinpoint same destination to reach. Since, the measurement of time is variable, GMT(Greenwich Mean Time) was introduced so different places in the world can understand what time is it in their place and other's and why. 

Philosophically speaking, time limits how much one can do a certain act. Life is limited to time and for any person, its mostly divided into childhood, teens, youth and old age and certain period of their life is lived in one of the period and there's format culturally how to live in certain period. Hence, humans are either rushed or are chilled to do any action. Certain amount of time lived by one in their life also roughly determines how well the they know about things happening around them and what they are expected to know and do. In our society, it is time and age which compels people to act a certain way rather than the knowledge they have. It is bothersome system but since kids are raised this way, it has been quite precise all around the world.

Emotionally time can mean a lot of things. As famous quotes goes "Time heals everything." which generally means which the events been far apart in the dimension of time, other events fills the gap making the troublesome event less important or less relevant. People measure time and live their way in certain way so they don't regret acting or not acting a certain way in a period of time since they can't travel back. Time moves along but the memories stay hence people want to make that worthwhile. Some even act certain way just to set a memory and other memories something so they can use the information in upcoming time. Some people don't even care and want time to pass while they can do what they can as much as they can. 

Time also captures action which are unchanged hence any act done on previous time affects the upcoming time heavily.Also. Australian researchers recently confirmed this wave-particle duality by carrying out John Wheeler’s classic delayed-choice thought experiment. Their results confirm that, for quantum particles at least, reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, and that future events can affect the past. (Read about this)

Well, An experiment by Australian scientists has proven that what happens to particles in the past is only decided when they are observed and measured in the future. Until such time, reality is just an abstraction.

As the words of wise Mark Twain goes, "There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that." 


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